
I love making useful things for people to enjoy! Here are a few current public projects...

New Year Prayer ChallengePrayer ChallengeThis 10-Day Prayer Challenge with accompanying resources is a great way to kick-off the new year! slipity.comSlipityIt's kinda like ProPresenter in your pocket. Use your iPhone/iPad to project lyrics and media on a secondary screen. worshipvitamin.comWorship VitaminSupplements for your church services. An ever-growing database of ministry links and resources. credentialsportal.comNazarene Credentials PortalA solution for districts to successfully facilitate the ordination process. ideaboard.comIdeaboardBrainstorm like a boss. Create, edit, collaborate & share ideas in a fun, visual way. metronomer.comMetronomerClassic: Online Metronome and Click-Track Generator. PLAY: Live performance tools. kidddo.comKidddoChild Check-In. Simplified. (Sold 2025) GithubJS? PHP? HTML? CSS? NP!
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